Here we go:
Q: Hello. Love your table. Can you share how the lucite holds up to scratches. if it scratches can they be removed? Special cleaner needed etc?
A: My lucite table has gotten a beat-down at our house. Our boys have scratched it to death with toys and it looks pretty terrible after three or four years of abuse. I have to admit, after I saw that it was getting so badly scratched, I sort of gave up and figured that we'd replace it later. I keep magazines or a tray and books on the coffee table anyway so it's mostly hidden. I've also watched my kids fall on it more than once without crying, which is what's kept it in the house for so long. They also love playing under it and around it because of the clearness. (Nothing's funnier than watching a newly crawling baby ram his face into it ;) ;) However, I recently purchased a lucite buffer/ polishing kit (by Novus) and one of these days am going to give it a try. I'll definitely post to let you know how it goes. Lucite should be cleaned with a super-soft cloth (never paper towels) and hot soapy water. Don't ever use a cleaning product like Windex or anything else in a spray bottle that isn't specifically for lucite.
{Our client's custom porch swing}
Q: Where did you get the porch swing?
A: We had our client's custom porch swing made by Vintage Porch Swings , who did a beautiful job.
Q: I JUST read your post about not having time to answer all questions, so I get that you might not get to this and no hard feelings! Anyway, I've admired this room for awhile. I'm looking for the right paint color for my room and I'm struggling. I want a cream or white, and then noticed the curtains in this room. Are those the Pottery Barn Velvet in Ivory?
A: Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you! The walls in this room are seashell by Benjamin Moore and the curtain panels are custom and made of oyster-colored linen.
{Our kitchen, when the island was still in-progress}
Q: What type of floors do you have in your home?
A: We used unfinished random width (4"-8") wide plank white oak and had it finished with gray Woca oil. We got our floors from Mountain Lumber Co. (specifically, Janel Conforti) who couldn't have been more helpful. Woca Oil "contains primarily cold pressed vegetable oils and aromatic hardening oils that penetrate into the surface of the wood floor and, as they cure, harden to form a very protective surface that becomes part of the wood floor. This means that normal wear and tear, such as small scratches and indentations, do not show up as much as on a floor with a urethane finish. The oil finish will also let the wood floor breathe through its surface.." (taken from their website) I loooove the finish on our floors as it's matte and very natural-looking. Oils do leave marks on the the floor and it's already started to develop a patina, which is what we're after.
Anyway, I'm off for the day & have amazing Memorial Day weekend!!! To check out my last round of FAQs, (including questions about my wall mural on my dining room wall) go here.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.