Being able to sit down & share a meal with friends or family, having a moment to yourself, and yes, even appreciating the pretty produce at the grocery store...
{Would love to do a fabric based on these leafy clementines}
I am (as always) terribly behind in my holiday shopping (meaning I haven't done any;) but I've also learned that this is a time to be enjoyed & even savored. This time wants to fly away. The anticipation in our house full of boys is really cool and it brings back those Christmas-kid feelings I used to have. Lately, life (although crazy-sort-of-losing-it-busy) has been exciting & special... Full of lightning-quick days interspersed with moments where I notice something & really take it in... and feel thankful for it. I've been reminding myself to slow down and appreciate and I do think it's working.
Sending hugs & love your way and hoping you get some time to take the moments in.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.