I know so many of us feel this way and that the pain won't ever fully go away for most of us... And that's okay because it means we love and we care.
There are times when I look at my profession- decorating houses- and feel like what I'm doing is crazy when there are so many more important, life-changing things that need to be done. There's been a stirring in me for a while now to use it to help others more. I don't think there's any greater pain than losing someone you love and I know I want to somehow try to ease this pain for others. Dave & I have been doing a lot of talking about it over the past few months & have some ideas cooking...
I've also heard that the students at Sandy Hook will be returning to school in a new building after the new year & that they are trying to turn the new school into a "winter wonderland" by filling it with thousands of paper snowflakes. You &/or your kids can make snowflakes & send them to the PTA for them to hang. Here's the write-up I read: "When school resumes for Sandy Hook, it will be in a new building. Parent-volunteers are working to ensure that the students are welcomed back by a winter wonderland with the entire school decorated with as many unique snowflakes as possible. We encourage senders to be as creative as possible, remembering that no two snowflakes are alike. Please make and send snowflakes by January 12, 2013."
{image via here}
Please send all snowflakes and donations to:
Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 06514
It's a simple project that can hopefully make some of the kids feel a little less frightened when they go back to school...
So... I probably won't be talking about it much & I'll continue to write about the frivolous little things in life, but it will always be with me... I won't ever stop praying for & thinking about all of the families in pain and I'll always worry a little more about my own babies.
{Our Christmas Eve snowfall}
I hope you had a happy holiday & this year, Christmas was really special for our family... I'll be back after the New Year & am taking the time with my family & trying to savor every minute of it- and also to keep my eye from twitching when I look around at the mess that is my house. ;)
{My littlest one- Luke or "Louie" as we call him-sorry kid!!;)- all tuckered out from the Christmas excitement}
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my blog {and for not emailing me about the constant typos that I know are present ;) and for coming along for the ride. I truly value your time & your encouragement. My very best to you & yours.