Same blog, new location:
I'm saying goodbye to this web address but Pure Style Home is moving with me!!
{image via here}
If you've received this post in your email, and would like to continue receiving these emails, please click here to visit the new blog and sign up. (It's on the new left-hand sidebar where it says SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL)
Also, some RSS subscribers may need to update their feed URL. Please be sure to update the RSS feed URL to
In a day or two, this web address will automatically be redirected to the new one. If you have a blog and have the time though, I'd love it if you could update my new address on your blog roll. It's the power of blog rolls that really helps people find you!!
I've got a new post up today- about our recent photoshoot- so please check it out at
Thanks so much for moving with me!! See you there!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.