With things as hectic as they've been lately, I've been truly cherishing my time in our garden.
{We created our garden with the help of my friend Danylo, owner of Organic Edible Gardens www.oegardens.com who we worked with to design & install the entire thing.}
We found an old potting table and it's made planting, cutting and washing so much easier. Having a place to stash everything has made such a difference and I now can't imagine the garden without it:
The garden's full of flowers right now, including limelight hydrangeas, echinacea and English roses. I've been loving cutting them and bringing in fresh bouquets.
They're so good we can eat them plain!!
There's something about bringing things inside from the outside that I just can't get enough of. We cook with herbs from the garden almost every night and have just been getting to enjoy the tomaters!!!
The boys fight over who gets to actually pick everything. I'm looking forward to when all of the plants are producing fruit so "picking" is a little more peaceful ;)
Here's one of my favorite most recent meals from the garden:
Eating from our garden makes me so incredibly happy!!! The boys love to help out and this weekend we put together our own little invention (which I'm sure has probably been invented before)- "pestodillas:"
Here's the Recipe:
-We took fresh baked whole wheat tortillas (whole foods' fresh baking, not ours ;) and layered them with pesto from the garden, shredded parmesan cheese, fresh spinach, garden tomatoes and a wheat tortilla with garlic butter on one side. (Oh sooooo bad but so good!!! Will try without the garlic butter next time to be good ;) ;)
-We microwaved them for a minute and were in love!!
I hope you get the chance to try it = Heaven.
I think I need to take one more little walk through the garden this morning.
Have a good one!!
For info on Organic Edible Gardens & their services, visit here.