Before we moved in, we added wall-to-wall seagrass to the entire upstairs so we had to take down the existing built-ins and have been living with it completely torn up (see pic below) since September. In the pic below, you can also see how pink the "beige" was compared to our ivory/cream on the right. The entire house was freshly painted that color when we bought it.
You might remember me telling you this, but we actually lived in our upstairs for a few months. In the pic above, you can see our "kitchen" (ie microwave on a dresser = true luxury!!! ;) ;) ... But living up there was a actually a really good opportunity for me to get to know the space. I'd spend every morning feeding the baby in the chair (a super comfy rocker/ glider by Lee) and looking out the window:
But we could only really see out the windows when we were in the rocker or standing up actually looking out the windows. It made me realize that I wanted that entire wall OUT so that it would feel like you were almost outside from every part of the room. (including the sofa where we watch movies from and might possibly spend waaay too much time on!!)
Searching for the right window took months, honestly. (Which is the main reason it's taken so long to get to this part of our project.) I wanted steel but we looked into more affordable aluminum look-alikes. We finally found what we were looking for at the Window Man where we settled on an aluminum window by Universal Window. Getting drawings and a quote took a long time as the team from the Window Man had to persuade Universal to sell just 1 window. But we finally got it!! It went in Monday:
And it's completely transformed the loft!!! It feels like you're outside up there!!
The guys are now working on creating the drywall framework for our bookshelves and window seat. Electrical is going in today. Here's a quick sketch of how the shelves and window seat will look:
We've modified some of the dimensions a bit to meet code (gotta love it ;) and I've sacrificed a couple inches of window seat space to make the entire thing feel a bit more seamless.
Here's a sketch I did of the back wall, where our sofa will go:
I internally debated for a while on whether I wanted a larger center set of shelves or if we should go equidistant and I finally settled in equidistant, which is different from the sketch above:
I decided to go equidistant because I felt that there was so much variation from the rest of the room with the window seat, that I wanted the rest of the walls to sort of fall in line and be consistent.
Here's the left wall, which is being worked on today:
The built-ins will actually be made out of drywall, similar to the shelves in this pic...
...except the shelves themselves will be made from reclaimed wood planks.
The window seat cushion will also sit right on a drywall ledge, similar to the one in the photo below. When you lift up the cushions, there will be hidden storage beneath.
And finally, my friend Jill Sorenson of Live Like You is moving and she is having a moving sale on her blog and there are some amazing deals!!! To check out the things for sale click here. I'll miss being near Jill but am really happy for her & her son. She's a truly special person and has a beautiful bold sense of style:
I'm off for the day into the rain but hope you enjoyed peeking into our

have a good one!!
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.