So... it's been a bit of a whirlwind year for me in a lot of ways- having our third baby, moving, my husband quitting his job to come work with me full-time, textile line launch... there might be more but I've probably blocked it out ;) ;)

Anyway, for the past year or so, I've been in conversations with an amazing fabric company about potentially collaborating on my textile line together. I've traveled up to New York and they've visited us... I met some really great people (and friends!!) and have a huge amount of respect for this company, but it's turned out that the partnership isn't going to happen.
As disappointed as I was to hear that I wouldn't be partnering with this great company, I'm of the mindset that what happens, happens, and that whichever path life takes us on, it's the right one. You go where you need to go to learn & experience what ultimately becomes your past, your foundation, your pathway.
So anyway, after learning this (last week or the week before?? they're all blending together) I've been forging ahead with my original plan for the fabric company- which was to keep it strictly mine and more boutique- and to have the line carried by select showrooms & shops around the country. I'm really excited about moving in that direction again and it's now really in the works, which is exciting.
Since I first launched the line last November, I've created more fabrics, which I haven't photographed or added to our online shop yet, so I've got a lot of work to do with that.
And also... with the gorgeous SPRING that has just sprung around us here in DC, I am ready to hit the sketch pad and get some new patterns out!!! Something about the weather and the flowers blooming everywhere, just makes need to grab a pencil and GO!!!!! :) I can't explain it (and you probably feel it too) but Spring just makes me feel so incredibly alive and ready to create!!! (Trust me, I know how terribly cheesy that is... just can't help it.) I honestly get Spring fever and have a really hard time sitting in my office working. No joke, I might need to get tied to my chair.
{The periwinkles on our back hill I snapped a pic of this morning}
My mom says it's happened to me every year since I was a little girl and every year, the teachers would call her in for a conference and ask what was up with me...
Anyway, as I've mentioned before, I get my inspiration for my fabric line from nature and the things that have always given me that strong giddy feeling. Much of it is drawn from childhood memories, ones that were revisited year after year (even now) as the new plants & weeds bloom each season. I was always picking everything and touching it and playing with it... I remember certain people with certain plants. { I can't see onion grass and not think of the day my best friend and I ATE it at recess.---"Don't worry Danielle, it' just like real onions!" I'd promised. :/ yuck. It's not. Or at least maybe eaten plain it's not good.}
And here's one other little piece of inspiration I found and fell gaga for last week:
Written in 1925 and in German, I have no idea what it's about, but it's cover is begging to be turned into a textile design. Will keep you posted.
I also just wanted to thank you so much for the support. Honestly, I would never have had the confidence to even attempt something like a fabric line if it weren't for the support and friendship of everyone I've met through blogging.
So... in the future, you can expect to hear where the fabrics will be being carried near you so that if you're interested, you can go see & touch them in person, and you can also expect to see some new designs soon!!! Because Spring has Sprung around here.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.