{adorable baby chicky photograph by Julie Persons}
Anyway, my post was about chickens & it will go up when I actually write it! We're thinking about getting some. Our main impetus for thinking chickens was the tick problem we have at our new house. They were CRAZY this past Fall and were all over us & our kids. (The poor baby had one embedded in his ear and it took 20 mins of screaming & crying for me to get the thing's head out of his ear.) After speaking with an expert, we learned that chickens are amazing with pest control. (We're not too excited about using insecticides on our property where we are planning a veggie garden and drink well water.)
BUT-- Sadly. right now in Fairfax Country, where I live, the law states that you can only own chickens if you have 2+ acres. (You can have 64 chickens on 2 acres... crazy) But you can't have any chickens if you have less than 2 acres. There's a group of us who are working to have the law changed so that home owners can have pet HENS (not roosters) on their property if they have less than 2 acres. (And not a crazy number like 64!!;) We have an acre, btw. So... tonight, there is a meeting at the Fairfax Government Center to meet and plead the chicken case. We're collecting signatures for a petition and today's the day, so pretty pretty PLEASE sign this if you're in Fairfax County!!
Thank you so much!!
Pretty pics and an actual post to follow!

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